It means a lot to Marvin and I to be a part of our communities. We both work full time jobs as well as operate our studio – but we are out as much as we can be.Last night, while Marvin was out catching photos for a myriad of sporting events to share with parents – I was hanging out with my friend Sarah Swistak learning how to be #SWISStrong.
You may recognize Sarah as news anchor from FOX 47 WSYM. She’s well known in the community and a wonderful person. Sarah lost her big brother Steve Swistak to his second battle with Esophageal Cancer recently. She has shown both grace and courage beyond words.Sarah wanted to do something special to honor her brother.
One of the things that she took from his brave fight was the effect losing his hair during treatment had on him. He was a doctor, he knew this could happen, but it was something that she has said did bother him at times. Sarah, having a heart the size of Texas, decided to put together an event to help those going through treatment and losing their hair.
The #SWISStrong event last night was two fold – people could either donate 8 inches or more of their hair; or donate $8 for a hair cut. The event, graciously hosted by Dorsey School of Beauty in Lansing, was a huge success. The lines started early and went out the door. People were getting 8, 12, and one person even had nearly 24 inches of hair cut off! All hair was donated to Pantene Beautiful lengths and will go toward making wigs for cancer patients. Funds raised will go to the American Cancer Society.
Sarah had 8 inches of her hair cut off on live television, inspiring many others to do the same! Congratulations Sarah on a spectacular event. Kudos to Fox 47, Dorsey Schools and Carleana Delacruz for all they did to help Sarah pull this together. If there is one thing we are certain of Sarah, it’s that your big brother has the biggest grin in heaven. You did it! Thanks for teaching us all what it means to be #SWISStrong.
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