If you own a business, you often may find yourself telling your receptionist , front desk staff or greeter that they are the first impression your business makes on a new customer when they walk in a door. That can be said for many kinds of workplaces.
With social media now playing a major role in the workforce, the same can be said for your personal profile. Linked in, Facebook and even your twitter account can lead to new clients or customers. So wouldn’t you want their first impression of you to be a good one?
That’s why it’s important to have an updated professional head shot. The picture of you that says “I am professional”, “I am serious”, and “I care about the first impression I leave”.
That picture of you with “duck face” and giving the peace sign may be funny – but if you want to be taken seriously, let’s get you in to the studio for a new head shot.
Don’t get us wrong, your head shot can show your personality, especially if your job is in a field where it’s key – just tell us what you need and we’ll set you up!
Here are just a few of the clients who have been through our doors recently! (Even WE update our head shots regularly!)