OK, it is finally here!! My first destination wedding outside the United States. I have been fortunate the last three years to photography at lease one destination wedding and my streak remains unbroken at four with this years trip to Cancun.
It is always a challenge to select the gear for the trip since you have only so much space to take equipment unless you want to pay extra or ship it down ahead. Since this was not my first time I went with enough equipment to get the job done with a few extras.

This trip I loaded up my Pelican 1510 road case with my Canon 5D Mk II, 7D, Cameras, 16-35L, 17-55 f2.8, 15 f2.8 fisheye, 100L Macro and my trusty 70-200L IS Mk II Lenes and a Canon 580 MkII and Nikon SB-28 Flash. My lovely wife was my voice activated light stand. This set up work beautifully. Yes, I could have used a bit more light during the reception, but other than that it got the job done! The 15 fisheye and the 100L macro were speciality lenes, I could have shot the wedding without them, but they spice things up a bit.
Here are a few senics I photograph during the first couple of days there. I have a lot of images to cull through and process. I hope to get a full set posted in the coming week… hopefully before Christmas.